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Career Fields

We provide dynamic career options to talented professionals that help address the nation’s complex maritime and intelligence challenges.

Career fields information

Due to our critical mission, we require several important items from all applicants that you must meet to qualify for employment with the Coast Guard Intelligence. Please review the requirements before applying.

  1. You must be a U.S. citizen.
  2. You must be at least 18 years old.
  3. We may require you to be authorized to carry a weapon and must be qualified with the weapon.
  4. You may be exposed to hazardous or hostile environments.

Coast Guard Career fields

You will use counterintelligence to identify, deceive, exploit, disrupt or protect against espionage, intelligence activities, sabotage or assassinations conducted for or on behalf of foreign powers, organizations or persons, or their agents or international terrorist organizations or activities. You must be a credentialed CI agent, eligible for assignment to sensitive duties and must maintain a TS/SCI security clearance.

Cyber intelligence is information that is collected, processed, analyzed and disseminated from all sources of intelligence on foreign actors’ cyberspace programs, intentions, capabilities, research and development and operational activities.

In the geospatial intelligence careers, you will gather information describing, visually depicting and accurately locating physical features and human activities on the Earth. Examples of GEOINT products include imagery, analyses, maps and navigation charts. This also includes imagery intelligence—the technical, geographic and intelligence information derived through the analysis of geospatial intelligence.

Human intelligence and human-derived intelligence are both information collected from or provided by human sources. As part of these Coast Guard Intelligence careers, you will conduct a wide variety of HUMINT and HDI activities, including gathering domestic information for situational awareness and information that is used against criminal adversaries.

You will plan, develop, deliver and support information technology (IT) systems and services.

You can work in open-source intelligence, which is derived from publicly available information in print or electronic forms. Examples include radio, television, newspapers, journals, internet websites, commercial databases, videos, maps, drawings and graphics.

Security administration in federal agencies includes functional areas, like personnel, physical, information and industrial security. Security administration involves the safeguarding of information, personnel, property, assets and material from theft, loss, misuse, fraud, disclosure, espionage or sabotage.

Signals intelligence is information gathered from data transmissions, including communications intelligence, electronic intelligence and foreign instrumentation signals intelligence. In this career field, you will collect signals that have no expectation of privacy using law enforcement and regulatory authorities.


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